Concurrent with the release of its 2023 status report on October 12, 2023, the TCFD has fulfilled its remit and disbanded. The FSB has asked the IFRS Foundation to take over the monitoring of the progress of companies’ climate-related disclosures.
As of November 2023, this website will no longer be updated or monitored but will remain available to serve as a resource for materials developed by the Task Force. The Task Force is deeply grateful to all parties involved for their input, support, and adoption of the TCFD recommendations.
Read the 2023 status report
The TCFD’s final Status Report describes companies’ progress in making climate-related financial disclosures and highlights some of the challenges they face in making such disclosures.
It also describes the Task Force’s view of insights gained over the past eight years and areas that warrant continued focus or further work by others.

Reporting Climate-Related Financial Information
Critical Introductory Materials
Overview of the TCFD
Recommendations of the TCFD
Guidance on Metrics, Targets, and Transition Plans
Additional starter materials
This document index provides overviews and links to the Task Force’s recommendations, guidance, reports, and other materials.
Workshops in a Box is a set of five presentations for use in introductory workshops on the TCFD recommendations to help support adoption and implementation. The first workshop presentation provides an introduction to the TCFD and an overview of the four TCFD recommendations for climate-related financial disclosure. The remaining four workshop presentations provide more details on each of the TCFD recommendations, including example disclosures.
Download TCFD Fundamentals Workshop
Download Governance Workshop
Download Strategy Workshop
Download Risk Management Workshop
Download Metrics and Targets Workshop
Implementation guidance
This presentation provides a description of changes made to the TCFD Annex in 2021.

The 2017 TCFD “Annex” provides both general and sector-specific guidance on implementing the Task Force’s disclosure recommendations. The 2017 version has been superseded by the 2021 Annex.
This report is also available in the following languages:
Simplified Chinese, Korean and Portuguese.

TCFD status reports
The TCFD’s final Status Report describes companies’ progress in making climate-related financial disclosures and highlights some of the challenges they face in making such disclosures.
It also describes the Task Force’s view of insights gained over the past eight years and areas that warrant continued focus or further work by others.

The latest TCFD Status Report describes the steady increase in climate-related financial disclosures since 2017.
This report is also available in the following languages:
Simplified Chinese

The latest TCFD status report describes progress on climate-related disclosure and TCFD implementation efforts, insights, and challenges.
This report is also available in the following languages:
Simplified Chinese

The 2020 status report describes progress on climate-related disclosure and TCFD implementation efforts, insights, and challenges.

Additional supporting guidance
This 2020 guidance is intended to assist non-financial companies interested in using climate-related scenarios as part of their efforts to implement the Task Force’s recommendations. The scenario analysis guidance provides practical, process-oriented ways for companies to use climate-related scenario analysis and ideas for disclosing the resilience of their strategies to different climate-related scenarios.
This report is also available in the following languages:
Simplified Chinese

This 2020 guidance is aimed at companies interested in integrating climate-related risks into their existing risk management processes and disclosing information on their risk management processes in alignment with the Task Force’s recommendations.
This report is also available in the following language:
Simplified Chinese

The Technical Supplement advises companies on conducting climate-related scenario analysis, a fundamental TCFD recommendation that helps companies plan for resilience.
This report is also available in the following language:
Simplified Chinese

Other materials
This document summarizes responses to the Task Force’s survey of asset managers and asset owners on the reporting of climate-related information to their clients and beneficiaries, held from February to March 2022.
This document summarizes responses to the Task Force’s survey on companies’ implementation of the TCFD’s recommendations over the past five years, as well as investors and others’ views on the usefulness of climate-related financial disclosures, held from March to May 2022.
This document summarizes responses to the Task Force’s public consultation on metrics, targets, and transition plans, held from June to July 2021.
In 2021 the Task Force sought public comment on two documents: Proposed Guidance on Climate-related Metrics, Targets, and Transition Plans and the Portfolio Alignment Team’s Measuring Portfolio Alignment: Technical Supplement. The public consultation closed on July 18, 2021.
Proposed Guidance on Climate-related Metrics, Targets, and Transition Plans
This document summarizes responses to the Task Force’s public consultation on forward-looking climate-related metrics for the financial sector, held from October 2020 to January 2021.
The Task Force conducted this public consultation to gather feedback on various forward-looking climate-related metrics for the financial sector, including usefulness and challenges. The public consultation closed on January 28, 2021.

View all Task Force documents, including draft reports and early publications, in the report archive.